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A conversation with an expert Sleep coach

Sophrology has helped many, including myself, to relax and regain better sleep patterns.  You may not have heard - it is a very popular holistic approach in France to reconnect body and mind, and deal with anxiety, stress or even pain. It offers simple guided mediation and relaxation tools. Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Mireille Barreau , my former tutor at the Sophrology Academy, who since 2008 has been working on solutions to manage stress and prevent sleep disorders. During our conversation, we talked about her approach to sophrology, including her opinions on the growing number of digital solutions promising to improve our sleep. What attracted inspired you to specialize in sleep disorders? I like the holistic aspect of sleep management; I‘m a good sleeper and whenever I struggle with sleep, I use Sophrology tools that are very powerful. I had a sophrology practice in the Netherlands and worked with the medical department of a large organization, most of their emplo

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